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Remembering McKennah's Graduation Day


The night of Jan 26 was the end of a very long and heart breaking journey, I don't care to remember those last few days or the last few minutes. So why write today on the 3rd anniversary of her heavenly graduation? I wanted to remind myself and her blog followers how she changed our lives with her wacky sense of humor, passion for life, and most importantly her desire to see people come to the saving knowledge of Christ's sacrifice on the cross.

McKennah went home to be in God's glorious kingdom with no doubts that she did all in her power and with much prayer, tell others about her immutable Savior.

You might question how could a teenager reach the world with the good new while suffering with stage IV metastatic skin cancer. If you know her or have been reading this blog then you know nothing could stop this girl!, NOT EVEN CANCER!

What else did she do for the gospel? For one she was given the honor to be the Key speaker for the Rocky Mountain Children's Hospital Christmas toy drive. That day this young women delivered a speech of hope and deliverance in Jesus Christ better than any pastor. Hundreds of adults, children and politicians heard the whole Gospel. Her message was posted on the internet and shared many times. I will share the video sometime later.

Between all the many hospitals and clinics where she received endless treatments, she always found an opportunity to share her faith with nurses, patients and even doctors. We have no excuses.

Then, when her darkest days came and she didn't know if God would heal her on this earth; instead of feeling sorry for herself she sat down and wrote one of the most beautiful songs of hope. I mentioned here in a previous post that I would share the recording of her performing her original song,

"God is Still Here"

McKennah's testimony before the performance says it all. She didn't want to keep the message of your song just for her but for everyone.

Unfortunately, this recording isn't the best, I was caught off guard this night and I thought for sure I would have another opportunity to see her perform it again.

I pray her words will challenge your faith today in whatever season of life you are in.

On this 26th of January, McKennah's Heavenly Graduation Day! (video below)



What if my life looks differently than I'd thought it'd be?


What if I never have what everyone's guaranteed

Bm G D

Will still say it is well when there is so much I do not know?


What if damage done will always be this way


What if my victory is never named

Bm G D

These fears of mine. Consume my mind I'm blinded by …my own pain


Bm G D A

What if the world doesn't end when the fears come true?

Bm G

What if we have what we need


He says he'll carry us through

Bm G D A

There's a peace that I have that has changed my view

Bm G D A D

What if God is still here in this desert too?


Every morning I am full of hope like Lazarus up from the grave


But by the time I fall in bed I'm burdened by a heavy weight

Bm G D

From picking up up what isn't mine 'til I feel like there's no escape


What if I believed that God would be with me in my trouble and my pain


And all the truth that's in my head would move down to my heart and then

Bm G D

I shall not want for anything and finally be at peace again


What if God’s plans are something greater than I can dream

What if this thorn deep in my side was only there to help me see

Though I never asked for it, the desert is God’s gift to me.

CHORUS (end)



Shaun F. Stevens
Shaun F. Stevens
Jan 27, 2024

Wow goin through a tremendous trial myself 3 years later Mckennehs “what if “ song is ministering to me


Jordan Ortiz
Jordan Ortiz
Jan 27, 2024

I Miss her everyday 💔


Linda Stirling
Jan 26, 2024

Praising God for His promises for we will sing and dance with our kids in Heaven! She’s beautiful!


Jan 26, 2024

Beautiful song, and a beautiful life. Thank you for sharing this. God’s continued comfort to you and all your family. A happy reunion awaits!


Marlena Mellenthin
Marlena Mellenthin
Jan 26, 2024

Such a beautiful song. She was truly, truly salt and light. Thank you for sharing this!!

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