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The Benefits of Juicing

I recall getting out of the hospital after I was diagnosed and my body just being so incredibly weak. My blood tests showed nothing but a grey scale of depressingly low levels proved by my lack of health. I remember being so sick during that time, and times since then, where every part of me wished I could have the strength to get up off the couch but, my body just would not let me. Looking for natural ways to help with these imbalances caused by my cancer, I stumbled across the juicing method! By no means am I an expert... but, after 5 months of implementing this practice into my morning routine, I am definitely a believer that it works!

Starting each morning placing your fresh fruits and veggies in a slow juicer can reduce your risk of cancer, boost your immune system, help remove toxins from your body, aid digestion, and help you lose weight. Regardless of the reason, everyone can benefit from placing better nutrients in your body. Whether it is gut issues, chronic inflammation, etc, drinking juice delivers the most nutrient-dense part of the food, in a concentrated form for your optimal benefit.

So how does it work?

The process of juicing strips the fiber from the pulp and gives you a juice that is essential to improving your health and overall well being. This stripping of the fiber also means that you are able to consume more of whats good! Resulting in a quicker absorption of nutrients and a huge natural boost of energy. It is suggested to consume 16 - 32 oz of juice a day to see the real benefits. Personally, I split up my Juice into 2 servings. About 16 oz first thing in the morning and then saving another 16 oz for the evening.

It also matters what you are juicing!

For example, I have found beet root to be very beneficial for my blood, helping with my anemia.

Most recently, I've done some research into the benefits of Celery juice and its effects on chronic illness. It is said that consuming 16 oz of straight celery juice on an empty stomach can dramatically improve liver health.

The possibilities are endless and the benefits are measureless!

The question does remain, what can be gained from juicing that isn't gained from eating a full diet of each respective fruit and vegetable. Like I said, I am no expert, and I don't believe that juicing replaces eating a nutrient packed diet, but this is one point that everyone agrees on. Considering the fact that the average American is eating less than a fifth of the recommended five servings of vegetables and three fruits a day, if grabbing a juice can help make up the shortfall, juices have a vital role to play.


So lets talk Juicing Recipes!

Personally, I tend to stick to drinking the same "green" juice combination every day. But, at times that can get a bit mundane and boring. So feel free to mix it up and try different combinations! There are also days where I just cannot seem to stomach the earthy aftertaste of the beet, or the bitterness of celery, and you just gotta sweeten it up with some grapes, apple, or orange. But then, there are some days when I'll gulp down 24 oz. of the pure essentials disregarding the unpleasant flavor. Remember this isn't an exact science! Tailor it to the way you prefer it and have some fun with it!


Cucumber - 2 medium

Carrot - 2 medium

Beet - 1/4 small

Celery - 4 stalks

Ginger root - 1 thumb

Lemon -1 peeled

Garlic clove - 1 clove

Romaine Lettuce or Kale

Apple - 1 medium

Some Variations to this include adding grapes, orange, etc.

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Unknown member
Dec 06, 2018

Thank you for this great info i passed it on to my friend whos battling cancer she’s gonna try it. God Bless 🙏🙏 Michele Scarano


sue laing
Dec 06, 2018

You’re my hero! I pray for you often.

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